Pure Hope

Pure Hope #1



The North Shield is your own North Star- As I entered into the silence of a winter's eve in the water of my hot tub, I looked upon the stars and I was whisked away into an ancient temple. There was still crystalline snow falling around me as I was taken to a counsel of elders who spoke to me about personal integerity and personal wisdom. The North shield represents a sacred place where elders are and they sit waiting for all to come. I invite you to come listen to how important it is to sit in the silence of your own wisdom. Many current events are happening now and of course many people want to give you advise. My shows are all about entering into your own wisdom and following your own north star. If you have been wondering or confused about your next part of your journey. This show will help you sit in silence with three important questions for your own soul to answer. Our shows are only 30 minutes long. Just enough to help you get started on listening to your own inner wisdom. Namaste' Rev. Janice Hope Gor