Suspense Radio

Suspense Radio One on One with Rick Ollerman



Suspense Radio One on One in partnered with Partners In Crime Tours is pleased to bring you author Rick Ollerman. His book Shallow Secrets: Remember those old Ace paperbacks, with two actioners in one volume? Stark House is reviving them, with the current offering holding all the slam-bang anyone might want. In Turnabout, ex-cop Frankie O'Neil is skeptical when a friend's death is ruled a suicide. He uncovers a crime unknown to the Ace masters: computer theft. These crooks have friends with guns, and halfway along the novel becomes a series of cliffhangers that hit another memory: movie serials. Will Frankie escape in time? Find out in the next chapter. You won't stop until you know. Shallow Secrets moves slower, with a subtext: the power of chance to provoke horrors, then avenge them. Cop James Robinson doesn't just know the accused killer. They're roommates. The coincidence ruins his career. Then there are fresh killings, and Robinson is "a person of interest." Near the end, Robinson almost tells a woma