In Life Now Radio

Vision Quest: A Four Part Series with Coach Monique Elliott



Vision Quest is a 4 part series where you will receive 7 steps to receiving your vision. God has designed each of us for greatness!. I want to share with you how to receive what God has for you. "You hold the power to change your outlook on life for a better tomorrow. It starts with the mind!" -Monique Elliott Monique's Accolades T.V. personality of Preachers' Daughters, Author, Motivational Speaker and Singer Monique's Company S.A.V.Y. (Success Achieved When Visioned by You) was created to reach out and teach, educate and explore the God given gifts available to all of us! Established in 2009 S.A.V.Y. consulting has evolved into a dream that reaches lives in empowering the visions of others. Through coaching, teaching and reflection, you will explore steps to going to the next level in their journey.  During coaching you will also examine areas your journey that have hindered change or the strength to move forward. Your dreams are already within your spirit, allow them to be released! http://savyvisio