Beyond Athletic With Ryan Jay Owens

#14 Be The Trigger-Point Behind Your Goals with Mari A. Hole



#14 Be The Trigger-Point Behind Your Goals with Mari A. Hole Athlete Case Study: Norwegian Pro & National Team Volleyball Player Dec 16, 2014 Getting to know Mari a bit over the last couple weeks has been nothing short of inspiring & educational. When we chatted about the need to get our stories out to athletes trying to do what we do or just to add value in some way she was on board immediately. There's something that always sticks out about selfless people (AKA unselfish).. With Mari before we'd agreed on a time to do the podcast she'd done her research & found out I help kids get to school in the USA & Canada... She asked about it and we started working on it even before the podcast... now her brother is getting some more interest from schools which is exciting. Mari did a lot of hours of work to track down school's info for her brother who is busy with school and volley. SELFLESS I tell you... amazing of her. Imagine you write 20 people and tell them you've got a project to help others &a