Beyond Athletic With Ryan Jay Owens

#2 The People Saying America Wasn't A Strong Option were 100% Wrong! with Sanja Tomasevic



In 2007 or maybe it was 2008 I was looking for young athletes that were business minded. I contacted several people online that I had spoken to through my agency, Elite Volley Agency, and found it hard to find many at all. One of the few that responded IMMEDIATELY was Sanja Tomasevic. She responded in short with… Oh, heck yeah, I’m in! Let’s talk! Funny how ambitious people show themselves and take action fast! Fast forward 6 years Sanja’s entrepreneurial inclinations have her working on a super project and on her 2nd post as an assistant coach at the D1 level for UTSU in Texas and now University of Miami Canes. There’s much to come from her in the future because she has big goals and has accomplished many of them already. Find out in this episode what she has done as an athlete and student along with her story coming from Serbia to America to play and study! Leave a Review & Subscribe to #BeyondAthletic in iTunes so other can find us too! Share this with one person you think could benefit the most... Abo