Brettl-hupfers Ski Club

Brettl-Hupfer Podacst # 3



1. Intro a. Hosts Chet and Michelle b. This is the show for Boston Area ski and snowboard fanatics c. Michelle and I are going to talk about some of fun we’ve had lately and i. We’ll tell you about some stuff that’s coming up and… ii. We’ll tell you how you can join in on the fun. 2. What are the ski clubs a. For young single professionals who want to ski every weekend affordably. 3. Recap of recent events a. Halloween 4. upcoming events a. Halloween in Allston b. Warren Miller, Thursday, November 9, 7:00pm c. Boston Globe Ski & Snowboard Expo November 16-19, 2006 i. Expo Open Thursday, November 16 - 4pm to 10pm Friday, November 17 - 4pm to 10pm Saturday, November 18 - 10am to 8pm Sunday, November 19 - 10am to 6pm d. TGR, Roxy, Friday, November 17, 7:00pm e. Thanksgiving weekend f. Ullr 5. How to join in a. Email Chet & Michelle at skiclubguide…. b. You’ve welcome to visit for a weekend or come to one of our parties & chat further. 6. Thanks, goodnight and good luck