George Gomond Radio: Inspiring, Guidance, And Commentary.

"Don't worry, be happy", thoughts about staying happy in the moment.



The show is about  my role as a Spiritual life Coach The intent of the show is to give you messages to help you feel better in all relationships: lovers, family, friends, neighbors, and co-workers. My main focus is giving you guidance from Sara (a Spirit group) and your ancestors. I channel Source energy (God), though Sara, on various topics. With the aid of my Spirit group and your ancestors I help you, look into the future you are creating and the past that is currently impacting your life. I give brief  sessions on the show, for a more extensive session contact me at:,, or 818 599-1503 My rate for listeners is $1.20 per minute. More about the how to manifest than the when. I use the show to discuss various topics: culture, current affairs, spirituality, self-help and sports to entertain plus raise your vibration and inspire you. I will also present commentaries on both political and social issues. Humor is very important to me and will be used freely in the