Zoe Nightingale

The Magic of Iboga Part 3



Now...Iboga is not for everyone. Iboga is a hardcore psychedelic that can send you on a universe transversing adventure inside of your mind...or make you confront lifelong trauma you've protected yourself from...either way, my first time, I called lovingly, the infinite loop of pain...A loop where I got to revisit millions of little moments that made up the fabric of my personality, sexuality, self esteem, and sense of self... some good some bad, some down right ugly. I also had some pretty serious conversations with a giant antelope and hung out with a very large African man wearing a crown...but that's pretty normal...no? We will get to my musings about my experience but for now, here is Marika, a fabulous gorgeous curly haired French vixen who spoke 5 languages and wore a striped black and white flowing dress the first night of our ceremonies that made my eyes do fucking backflips all night, but I digress. Next up we have Chelsea, one of the providers there who had dealt with hardcore issues of anxiety whi