Bookswell Intersections

8 - Poet, author, and editor Shonda Buchanan shares her story with Cody Sisco, Dan Lopez’s current favs in LGBTQ YA, and events for bookworms seeking the “Anti-Beach Read”



Dan Lopez and Cody Sisco discuss Michelle Obama's runaway hit, Becoming, and Dan recommends books that fill his current obsessions--LGBTQ YA and Sci-Fi! After that, enjoy Cody's conversation with Shonda Buchanan that covers the history of World Stage Press, Leimert Park and Shonda's own imprint at Tsehai Publishers-- Harriet Tubman Press. And finally, are you looking for events that don't feature the typical glossy beach reads of the summer season? Shannon has you covered with some June book signings (and a book club!) celebrating slightly less mainstream genres. Enjoy!