Rusted Culture Podcast

Trump has a tiger by the tail



Trump has a tiger by the tail Congress is being thwarted in its attempts to look into the Mueller Report (which they still have yet to see in an un-redacted form). Trump vows to block any subpoenas issued by Congress. Did Trump forget that there are three equal branches and the Legislative branch is one of the three that has every right to the information to conduct their own research into the Mueller findings? Did Trump forget that we elected those representatives? When Trump defies those whom we have elected, that’s the day our democracy as written in The Constitution fails to work.. Next up: This weeks ‘wink and nod’ to white supremacy by Trump Lastly some strange stories in the news this past week.. Our question to listeners: what would you do if stranded on a deserted island with Trump? Go to and you can leave a message we may just play on the air.