Side Tracked (with Blue Vino)

SIDETRACKED Episode 16: Lassie vs Flipper



Main Topic:  Lassie vs Flipper Side Topics:  Liberal Ex-Cop shoots "gun nuts" with a gun to help get rid of guns & gun violence.  What dog foods are suitable for people.  Jihads: are they going the way of the pet rock?  What was it that actually broke Liberals' logic?  Is it true the donut started out as a cock ring?  Do we stereotype people or do people just fit the stereotype?  And what did we call stereotyping before stereo?  The reason lawyers are replacing lab rats for scientific experimentation.  Should I infiltrate the Free Masons?  Hey what's that over there!?  Why dogs are better than cats (says Guitarist, Piano player disagrees).  What happened to Merv Griffin?  What Friedrich Nietzsche said about Assassins. All of this in 30 minutes!