Side Tracked (with Blue Vino)

SIDETRACKED Episode 7: Big Music Industry Secrets



Main Topic:  What you should know about the Music Industry ISN'T what they say it is. Side Topics:  Absurdity-am I the only one that finds it funny?  What is the definition of a "sell-out"?  What is this trend of country singers rapping in country songs? {thanks to @audreysavins}    Is "rap" even music?  Should I infiltrate the Free Masons?  Hey what's that over there?  It's Pearl Harbor Day, how are you honoring the betrayed servicemen?  Also, Cows that burn down their farmer's house..your thoughts?  What DON'T you like about Bill O'Reilly? "I'll Shoot the Moon" Did Tom Waits know about the Nuke-the-Moon plan?