Rich Orgasmic Goddess

How to Travel the World and Build an Empire



How to Travel the World and Build an Empire Masterclass To download the worksheet, go to   SPIRITUAL PRACTICE #1  Don’t chase what you want. Elevate your game so what you want chases you.  Attracting and magnetizing your people - the daily practice - Gratitude and recognizing the dream.  My story- saw the dream, felt the dream, couldn’t help but create the dream    #2 ASK FOR HELP - Hire a spiritual guide/mentor   #4 GET CLEAR ON YOUR OFFER & STAND OUT - Get clear on what you offer- who, what, where, when, why, how, so what- just keep talking about it and sharing it. Give bits and pieces away so people can get a transformation.  Find something that YOU will stand out for, something no one else is doing.  Ran a studio to support myself - While building the youtube channel/instagram on the side      #4 PROTECT YOUR ENERGY - Healthy boundaries: Protecting your time, energy and money.    #5TRAVEL TO TRAVEL - Travel with volunteer opportunities with Wanderlust, worked with local sto