Hero Recall

Hero Recall | Episode 7 | Symmetra



Welcome to the seventh episode of Hero Recall! Hero Recall is an Overwatch focussed Podcast by Level 2 Gamers & TigratoPower. Each episode, we'll talk about game news, check out the latest goings on at professional level play in OWL and chat a little about personal play and experiences. Topping it all off with a deep dive into a Hero, including origin, weaponry, tips, meta chat and much more! This episode we talk about the rumored Overwatch 2 leak, Fissure planning retirement, OWL trading cards and our favorite maps to attack/defend on. Topping all that off is our Hero Spotlight on the reality bending Indian lass - Symmetra! Off Screen Sources: Overwatch.....2?! https://kotaku.com/sources-blizzard-cancels-starcraft-first-person-shoote-1835285125 Korea plans a hefty fine for boosters https://twitter.com/OverwatchNaeri/status/1143151909244567554 Kruise gets mad and kicks desk  https://clips.twitch.tv/ThoughtfulSleepyLardUWot  Trading cards  https://www.upperdeckepack.com  Facebo