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RBR 2017: Anthony Deschamps



A micro-interview recorded at Rust Belt Rust 2017, in Columbus, Ohio, October 27–28. ## Transcript **Chris:** hello! Can you tell me your name and a little bit about yourself? **Anthony:** My name is Anthony Deschamps, I, um, I’m a software developer, I work in Automotive. **Chris:** Oh! Very interesting. Long-time listeners will recognize Anthony’s name as a sponsor of the show; thank you for sponsoring the show! **Anthony:** You’re welcome! **Chris:** So, what got you into Rust? **Anthony:** I’ve talked about this earlier; I actually can’t remember how I first came across it. Um, I remember my friends being excited about it and looking at it at some point, um, but what really hooked me is that I have a huge amount of respect for C+ +, uh, it was one of my first languages, and to me, Rust feels like C+ + with decades of learned lessons. If we have a clean slate, and what you can do with a fresh start. **Chris:** Yeah. How long - do you remember roughly, obviously you don’t remember exactly when, but