My First Podcast

Tuesday Night Chat with Dr. B. Baker April 7, 2019 "Where would you like to see this show go?"



Dr. Baker answered the question, "Where would you like to see this show go?"... Where would I like to see this show go? Wherever he wants to take it. All over the world, wherever you want to take it. I would like for it to be, a bit of "Tell It Like It Is" where it is able to move in the spirit realm until it's picking up things from different people that are on the Periscope, or on the television, or whatever it is, that's answering questions for different people all over the world. Being able to change lives, by the power of the Spirit of God. Really being a Spirit led program, and where there's real transformation happening. Not people sayin' 'oh that was a good program, that was a good word, and whatever it is, but there's no transformations. But I'd like to be one that's helping people to live Romans 12, being not conformed to this world but being transformed by the renewing of your mind.  And also Matthew 6:33, where we seek, truly seek the kingdom of God and His way of doing and being and thinking