
01: Welcome to #FLAW3D with special guests Erin Booth & Tannia Suarez of efftheoffice.com



Welcome to the very first episode of #FLAW3D! I'm Elizabeth Dunne and I'll be your host for this exciting journey through my extensive list of personal flaws. Think of me as Issac the Bartender from The Love Boat, complete with finger guns. This week, I give you the lowdown on Flaw3d - who I am, why the heck I'm doing this and what to expect along the way. Joining me for this awesome launch episode are Erin Booth and Tannia Suarez, Co-Founders of efftheoffice.com - two of my favourite #freelancers on the planet. They packed it all in years ago and are now true digital nomads, working and travelling the world together. Their lifestyle, like mine, is unconventional and they've not only figured out how to live life together on the go and in amazing places around the world, but they've also learned to navigate negative, shall we say, 'feedback' from family and friends about their lifestyle. A lifestyle in which you spend pretty much every waking moment with the same person.