Greetings From Allentown

118. WWF HeAT 01-02-2000



In the year 2000….there was a leftover episode of WWF Sunday Night HeAT from 1999 airing January 2, 2000! - Having issues with remembering 1999 WWF storylines, and having the memory jogged with a “best of” montage - Gushing with praise for D’Lo Brown, doing double duty - A tag team match fit for Canadian television - Taking umbrage with wrestlers doing things that make no sense - Grandmaster Sexay and Mosh battle to settle the debate of hip hop versus heavy metal - Reviews from the place that the Godfather may have gotten his “ho’s” - Viscera: big men never go out of style - What Gangrel demands of the blood he uses Plus: - A Triple H appearance in a toy ad leads to more confusion - The problem with eating at a branded place like WWF New York - Billy Gunn’s use of the DX catchphrase - The return of YouTube Comment Theater! - Sports moments of 2018: Vladdy Junior, Tuukka loses a blade, a very long baseball game, JR Smith forgets the score, and the Philly Special Email: T