Greetings From Allentown

92. NWA Worldwide 06-24-1989



This week it’s back to the early days of Ted Turner-owned World Championship Wrestling with a look at NWA Worldwide from June 24, 1989! - The Great Muta vs Scott Steiner: Where the reality of the situation falls short of expectation - Attempting to improve the Dynamic Dudes - A Las Vegas based Sid Vicious at a locals casino playing the blackjack tables - Lex Luger cares not for your top 10 rankings - Calling BS on the geographical spread of WCW contest winners - Ricky Santana vs Wild Bill Irwin as the “who cares” feud of 1989 - Rick Steiner has some fun with Tommy Young - A neck brace keeps Ric Flair from doing his thing - Teddy Long’s bad evil heel laugh Plus: - Why Great Muta would mostly use the green mist - The unfortunate death of an enhancement talent - Proper consumption of Starburst - Career advice for Ricky Santana - Gripes about Rick Steiner’s real estate website - 1992 sports moments: the last great Indy 500, the Dream Team, and a terrible referee call - YouTube Comment Theater! GreetingsFromAll