Greetings From Allentown

65. WWF Superstars 11-23-1991



This week the show jumps back into WWF’s “mini-Attitude Era” of 1991 with a look at WWF Superstars from November 23! • Examining the entire cobra bite saga with Jake Roberts and Randy Savage, with great camera work and perhaps Vince McMahon’s last great call • The Mad Men-inspired theory of WWF’s suddenly crazy storylines in 1991 • How Shawn Michaels is kind of like a John Travolta character • Former blood enemies teaming up: how much time needs to pass before this can be accepted? • Breaking down the WWF run of Big Bully Busick • Hulk Hogan invokes God as he faces his Gravest Challenge • So what exactly was the nature of Jack Tunney’s relationship with Elizabeth? • The Undertaker gets audio treatments to close out his promos Plus: • Why it’s a good thing that Ric Flair’s “real world title” belt was censored • Goofy Survivor Series team promos aplenty • Wanting to be an Executive Consultant • Medicating a cat in the year 2018: we’ve come a long way, baby! • The return of YouTube Comment Theater! Email: Gre