Greetings From Allentown

34. WWF Halftime Heat 01-31-1999



Close the windows because the Heat is on: WWF Halftime Heat from January 31, 1999! - Why Vince McMahon would have called the Rock-Mankind empty arena match even if Jim Ross was healthy - The true winner of the empty arena match - The difference in how head injuries were viewed in 1999 versus today - Shane McMahon as an announcer: the most annoying man in the world - Chyna’s heel turn and examining it from a kayfabe perspective - An appreciation of late 90s Big Bossman and the evolution of the character - A look back at the fun “UFC-style” matches between Ken Shamrock and Owen Hart from summer 1998 - Triple H becomes a misogynist in putting down Chyna Also: - A recollection of the most boring NHL game the host attended, which was on the same date as this show - A personal story about the Will Smith song “Miami” turns into a rant - Low blow after low blow after low blow - What was the actual halftime show of Super Bowl 33 that anyone watching this would have missed - The reluctant return of Vinnie Vegas Corn