Greetings From Allentown

26. The Main Event II 02-03-1989



This week on Greetings From Allentown, take cover because the Megapowers are going to explode on The Main Event II from February 3, 1989! - How the WWF masterfully built to the split between Hulk Hogan and Randy Savage and their use of the Rashomon effect in the leadup to the WrestleMania V match - A rundown of the events leading up to the breakup, laying blame at the feet of all of them - The passion of Vince McMahon reading the intro to the show - A look at what was going on at the ABC television network, which was beating this show in the ratings that night - Breaking down the mechanics of the Elizabeth bump - Fun with the original broadcast bloopers from Hogan, Brutus Beefcake, Akeem, and the Big Bossman - Months ahead of No Holds Barred, Hulk Hogan gives a national audience a preview of his acting chops - One of wrestling’s greatest tag teams reunite to break up the Hogan-Savage fracas - Hulk Hogan channels the Incredible Hulk and works over a couple of future WWF champions - Hercules slips on a banana