Bart Jackson's Podcast - Get Informed, Get Entertained, And Seize The Wisdom

Laughing Your Way to Success – and Fun



You heard about the attorney with no sense of humor didn’t you? He lost his appeal. Host Bart Jackson (master of Business Quips) joins forces with guest Sherri Waryasz, the Queen of Laughter for a rollicking, riotous feast. Isn’t it time you learned to laugh at the world of business? Ever since ole Aristophanes cracked up ancient Athens audiences with “Oh Democracy, whither art thou leading us?” folks have known that the greatest wisdom flies most agreeably on the wings of laughter. Wouldn’t it be beneficial if you could forge a human connection with your fellows, gain a deeper and more joyous perspective, and just plain have more smiles in your day? Tune in and learn how to swap seriousness for the far more effective