Bart Jackson's Podcast - Get Informed, Get Entertained, And Seize The Wisdom

Wild Tasmania – Business as Unusual



Bart Jackson reports how the business in Tasmania is uniquely personal, admirable and devilishly profitable. Take notes. The island state of Tasmania hangs like a jewel just off the southern tip of Australia. Slightly smaller than England with a mere 500,000 souls this isolated land holds its own methods of business – so much of which is very personal, admirable, and very profitable. Host Bart Jackson has just returned from a month touring Australia’s most southern state, and he reports to you all the Tasmanian business deviltries by profiling a series of the most fascinating ventures and individual venturers. How do you sustainably harvest the most useful and valued timber on the planet that grows only on your island? How is one small village transforming itself into the bicycle capital for the world’s elite cyclists? And by what amazing process have these heirs of convict laborers and wild speculating prospectors turned their land into one of the most cleverly marketed tourist attractions on the plane