Bart Jackson's Podcast - Get Informed, Get Entertained, And Seize The Wisdom

Shark Fin Management - how to nix human leftovers



and employ the whole individual many talents to everyone’s most profitable advantage. Can you imagine the tragic waste of slaughtering an entire beautiful shark to use only the tip of its fin in a soup? A waste equal and analogous occurs every day in businesses worldwide where beautiful human beings are employed only for one little fragmentary skill and the remainder of that human potential is tossed aside as leftovers. Host Bart Jackson discusses how increasingly, good managers are taking a new look at their most important asset – their people. Instead of filling slots and hiring for single tasks, managers and human resource experts are scrutinizing the entire human package and employing it to everyone’s best and most profitable advantage. Human leftovers are a process of the past we can no longer afford. Tune in and find how top leaders are bringing out the top and fullest talents in all their team members.