From My Heart To Yours

#25: From Addict to Sober Athlete, From Heroin User to Offering Advice to Parents of Addicts: Taylor Reichelt & The Sobriety Society



Hear how Taylor Reichelt got sober after a decade of drug use and completely turned his life around. He shares how he went from skinny and strung out to being a competitive athlete. Now, he dedicates his life to supporting families and parents of addicts. He shares about signs of heroin use and meth use. He offers suggestion about how to afford rehab facilities and what to do before you give addicts any money. Hear about The Sobriety Society on Facebook and get a taste of all that Taylor has to offer families struggling with active addiction. He has the answers to your questions. Be sure to subscribe and grab my free gift: https://heal.helenhillix,.com/sacred-sexuality and follow me on Facebook and Instagram: https://YouTube/helenhillix