Kardec Radio Talk Shows

Why Humans are Different? - The Spirit World Around Us with Brian Foster



Call in to listen and to participate: (858) 769-4705 Nature vs. Nurture – What makes people different? Is it DNA or how people are raised and the environment they grow up and exist in? A combination of both? Or is there even more? There is a third factor, and that is the spiritual maturity of the person and their previous lives. My blog is at: NWspiritism The topic we will discuss is at: There will always be workers and managers Book covering the topic: Explore Your Destiny – Since Your Life’s Path is (mostly) Predetermined Facebook page to discuss Spiritism (and see our live broadcast!): Spiritism and the Spirit World Around Us List of Previous Podcasts: Recorded Programs Please join us every Sunday at 7 pm eastern and 4 pm pacific for a live program to discuss a topic about Spiritism and the Spirit World Around Us. Mark your calendars. The link to the upcoming program will always be on the right side of the nwspiritism.com blog home page. For Kardec Radio 24 hours a day, download the “Kardec Radio”