Sharita Star Radio

Astrologer Anthony S. Picco | Special Guest



Rejoicing in Retrograde | 20 March 2012What's Your Sign? I Have Your Number!“And another myth about astrology is busted: planets don’t make you do anything. They are symbols and indicators, not the source of the trait or quality in you. Your astrological birth chart only represents what is already inside of you. You came first. Your chart came afterwards. Human beings existed for centuries before astrology was codified. The point I am making: astrology is a system, not a cause. And opting out of responsibility is not the best way to use that system. Even two people born at the exact same time, in the same hospital, same year, will still be different because they will make choices. If the planets and signs actually “forced” you to behave a certain way, those two people would be clones, wouldn’t they?” ~Astrologer, Anthony S. PiccoAs always, it was time for the stellar seer talents of Astrologer Anthony S. Picco to REturn to the show for a true REtrograde discussion.  We've got quite the backwards REq