Sharita Star Radio

Astrologer Anthony S. Picco | Special Guest



The Seth Material & As Above, So Below | 15 November 2011What's Your Sign? I Have Your Number!Just what do the revelations in 'The Seth Material' have to do with how those Stars above see our lives down here below? This insightful hour uncovered the intricate connections these two subjects have as the stellar seer talents of Astrologer Anthony S. Picco returned for another episode you'll love listening back to.About Anthony S. Picco:Anthony S. Picco has been practicing Western Tropical astrology since 1986, with hundreds of satisfied clients to his credit. Although he has dabbled in various forms and methods of astrology, and is currently tackling new chart rectification techniques, he is a "meat and potatoes" astrologer, preferring to rely on the traditional tried and true. A member of the NCGR, he has also taught beginner's classes, and was part of an astrology discussion panel on BCAT TV, Brooklyn Cable Access. Anthony is indeed my tried and true Capricorn friend who, can not only handle and make