Methylation Support @the Center For Bio-individualized Medicine

PANDAS....Get the 411 from an expert, Amy Joy Smith!



On Monday, December 15th, at 8PM eastern we are pleased to interview Amy Joy Smith. Amy Joy Smith is a Nurse Practitioner specializing in Functional Medicine and heads up the integrative PANS / PANDAS Treatment Program of Hill Park Medical Center in Petaluma, California.  She is the mother of an amazing child who has healed from PANDAS and a dedicated PANDAS awareness advocate. Amy has practiced functional and nutritional medicine since the early 1980′s and has studied with a number of pioneers in the field.  Her treatments are progressive and blend the best of medical science with leading edge natural therapies and using food as medicine. Her first PANDAS patient was her own son in 2009 and she now sees hundreds of children with PANDAS from all over the world. She brings the same creative approach to treating these children as she used with her own child and believes that this is the only way to get kids better – fearless out-of-box thinking and a belief that children can recover from PANDAS. Amy serves o