Methylation Support @the Center For Bio-individualized Medicine

New Hormone Testing--An Interview with Mark Newman, MS



Does hormone testing confuse you? (It confuses me) Do you or your healthcare provider know which hormone tests are the most accurate? Then this is the show for you! On Monday, October 20, 2014 at 8 PM Eastern Dr. Jess Armine will interview Mark Newman, MS, owner/Pres., Precision Analytical Consulting and Laboratory. Mark is a recognized expert and international speaker in the field of hormone testing. He has assisted many laboratories in developing novel tests to create world-class laboratory testing. He has also educated thousands of providers about hormone monitoring best practices. Mark Newman is an expert in hormone testing and interpretation and will lecture about the best available testing for hormones and their interpretation. We are very lucky to have them on the show as this is one area where great confusion occurs. Join us this week! Though be time for questions and answers!