Methylation Support @the Center For Bio-individualized Medicine

MTHFR & Methylation...What's the Big Deal?!!! A Primer



Still confused about MTHFR andf Methyation? Wondering what it's all about? What's the big deal? Need to know if MTHFR is affecting you? Do you need methylation support? This week's show is for you!!!!   On Monday, 9/8/14 at 8PM Eastern, Dr. Armine will give a primer on MTHFR and Methylation. He will cover the basic aspects of this important area of genetics and put MTHFR/methylation into perspective as part of your entire health picture. This will shock some, inform others and empower all! Join us and learn! Also, learn why we changed our name and learn ABOUT THE UPCOMING SEMINAR IN METHYLATION AND BIO-INDIVIDUALIZED MEDICINE!!!