Methylation Support @the Center For Bio-individualized Medicine

How to Read Your Genetic Profile (23andme)Without Going Crazy!!!



You have your results from 23andme, you ran the results through an application (Sterling's, Livewello's, Genetic Genie, etc.) and now you are looking at a colorful list of letters and what? You start Google-ing the genes .......Arrrrgh!!!! What the heck is going on?!!!!   What does all this mean?!!!!-----------------------------I'M GOING CRAZY!!!!! On Monday July 7th at 8PM Eastern , Dr. Jess Armine will go over how to read and understand the snps and give hints on how to tell if the polymorphysms are expressing in you! Dr. Jess P. Armine holds licenses as a Doctor of Chiropractic and a Registered Nurse. He is trained in Chiropractic, Methylation, Genetic Research, Neuro-Endo-Immunology, Functional Medicine, Nutrigenomics, Applied Kinesiology, Cranial Manipulation, and Nutritional Counseling. He has been a health care provider for over 38 years. Dr. Armine is one of the few practitioners in the United States specializing in correlating the Genetic SNPs (single nucleotide polymorphisms) with