Methylation Support @the Center For Bio-individualized Medicine

Herbal Remedies: How to get your body to heal when the medicines are not working



Does everything you take make you sick? Are all prescription medications and vitamins not working for you? On Monday, June 2, 2014 at 8pm Easter, Dr. Armine interviews our own Meg Hurley. Meg is the founder of SnowDrop Organics, a company that specializes in small, custom batches of healing and organic products. The newest launch is a healing Hemp & CBD salve and lotion. Meg started making organic herbal soaps, cleansers, and balms after  she was afflicted with a severe chemical sensitivity. She then branched out into Organic Teas, Poultices, Salves and personal care products. Her passion is to create healing, inflammation reducing & self care products that use pure and safe ingredients to assist in the healing process.. The newest Salve and Lotion line by SnowDropOrganic, reduces inflammation, tendon and joint pain, as well as having a protective benefits from the sun and environment. It fights free radicals, reduces stress,, bruising, spasms, and aids in healing. Made from organic Beeswax, Eur