Geekishly Toku Podcast

Episode 12 - Lightning struck the clock tower!...and took out Shawn's Net



Jon's back! So back to the normal programming. We talk Star Wars, Marvel TV, and movies as well as DCTV news with Flash and Arrow with just a hint of Legends of Tomorrow and Supergirl. Not to mention Back to the Future day and self tying Nike's. Then on the toku side we talk Power Ranger casting news that the fandom will be in an uproar about. Ghost scans showed up and Shawn's internet dropped him into the void before we get a bit of a look at Necrom, and the Ghost Drive movie! Shawn discusses the Nonsense that is Ninninger to Jon before the Yoshi cameo that lasted 30 seconds. They both talk about Ghost and Green Arrow again because why not and end the discussion with Dino Charge recaps. Including the not so spooky Halloween episode. Warning the Tangents are in Full Throttle this time! Stay tuned for next time! Might actually be spooky. Members: Jon: @FuuMixALot Shawn: @SnarkyShawn Podcast: Twitter: @GeekTokuPod Facebook: Geekishly Toku Podcast Blog: Support Geekishly Toku Po