Brett Singer

Father's Day on Brett Singer Radio



Sunday is Father's Day. Today I'm going to talk about how to show your kids to stand up for themselves without letting them think that it's OK to yell at people. I tend to be a pain in the ass when it comes to customer service people, not because I like arguing, because I can't stand getting jerked around. Speaking of being jerked around, I'll share with you my personal collection of Anthony Weiner jokes (bandwagon, anyone?), and also tell you why I hate politics. Getting back to Father's Day, our friend Christine Coppa interviewed Adrian Grenier from Entourage about his new movie A Shot In The Dark, which is about him looking for his dad. Hits home for her, and me too. Also: what is the right age to let your kids watch videos on YouTube? After that, who knows? I like talking. Call in, jump in the chat room, just don't tweet me a picture of your junk. I'm not interested.