Queenmother4real Media

SISTAR Queens Rise and Shine : March News



This edition calls SiSTARQUEENS. to listen carefully to the March Kindred Report which updates the news, events, announcements of the Kindred of Sangoma coming into Spring. On the heels of the March Kindred Courier Post release, the roundtable for anchoring and steering plans toward the 4 Tribes 4 Peace Fall Festival coming in September. The first hour will share the vision for this event and some of the key supporters in place. We invite anyone that seeks the tools and strategies for grassroots community organizing to call in...GET connected, destiny may be calling you to be there. For Details, visit our 4 Tribes 4 Peace community FB page. In the second half of the show...Tanisha Broadway of the Life Vantage Wellness Company bring us updates on cutting edge products for slowing the aging process in mind and body. New Beginnings are in the Air...Spring is Everywhere...won't you give us some!