Queenmother4real Media

Provocative Thought with Carlton Steed: Fashion and Morality



QueenMother4real presents Provocative Thought with Carlton Steed on Saturdays at 8 pm EST. Call in 3479890180. This is a journey into the idea of self, social, media, and cultural subjugation, exploitation, and objectification of male and female sexual energy. Why is it more acceptable and celebrated to wear form fitting clothing that conforms to the shape of the body? How does it impact on the sexual experience? How does it impact on the esteem of the individual wearing the clothing? Is it a form of self-objectification. At what physical risk does a person wear these clothing? What are the social implications and or risk if any? How does it impact on the individual, relationship, and the community? What do you think? Call in and share your provocative thoughts.