Spiritual Journey With Geralyn St Joseph

Angels & Demons - Know Who or What You Are Dealing With



In the past decades the popularity of angels has increased every year.  There are numerous books about contacting them, communicating with them and asking for their intercession.  All these texts make it seem so easy, so simple. I love the angels; I love all God’s creation. However, not all God’s creatures have our best interests at heart.  There are those things that are put on earth to test us, to make a stronger and more defined. Let us remember that demons are described as ‘fallen angels’.  Lucifer was the brightest of the angels. What makes people believe that they can tell the difference between the angels they want and whatever shows up? Lucifer and his ilk are known as the great deceivers, it is what they do best. Recently, many people who think they are communicating with the angelic host are actually communing with a much more sinister entity.  At times the exchange is innocuous, and others it can be downright dangerous. Misinformation is given, mixed with truth. How do you know who you are commu