Dr. Carol Francis

Marathon Bombings, Campus Stabbings, Theatre Shootings



Scarey and harsh reality of human cruelty, stupid or senseless killings, terrorist retaliations, imitations of movie drama horrors, power play massacres--what is happening in this Spring of 2013? North Korea flexes its nuclear devastation threats against the US, South Korea and Japan.  Could it happen?  A university student shoots multiple rounds into movie-goers night out in the Batman movie release.  It did happen.  Christmas shopping is disrupted by masked armed teenagers, thieves, and bombs planted.   Why are such threats a part of life in the United States now or in the Middle East for centuries or in European countries for decades?   The violent and threatening profile of human nature and human existence is considered during this show.  Also, what remedies pragmatically might be considered for parents, teachers, politicians, religious leaders, corporate CEO to implement is pondered as well.  Listeners make comments, contributions, solutions, and ideas at drcarolfrancisshow facebook.