Where Brains Meet Beauty

WHERE BRAINS MEET BEAUTY™ | The Vagipreneur: Rachel Braun Sherl, Managing Partner and Co-Founder of SPARK Solutions for Growth



If you have a vagina or know someone who does, then this episode is for you. Meet Rachel Braun Scherl, Managing Partner and Co-Founder of SPARK Solutions for Growth and author of Orgasmic Leadership: Profiting from the Coming Surge in Women’s Sexual Health and Wellness. Or as she likes to call herself, a “vagipreneur®” (Yes, she registered the term). As a business consultant focused on women’s health, she’s been influential disrupting the feminine care industry, calling out double standards that exist in marketing women’s reproductive products vs men’s and creating better solutions for periods, pregnancies and personal pleasure. Hear how she found herself at the intersection of commerce, health and female agency and why she wrote a book on it. #wherebrainsmeetbeauty @wherebrainsmeetbeautypodcast wherebrainsmeetbeauty.com