Where Brains Meet Beauty

Where Brains Meet Beauty™ | The Altruisms of Networking



“Networking”. It’s a word that can conjure up ideas of aggressive, winner-take-all, shameless self-promotion, yet it’s supposed to be the most effective way to find new work and useful connections. In this episode, guest Caroline Fabrigas, CEO of Scent Marketing and Co-CEO of Scent Invent, offers up a new definition of networking, one she says is more about “Putting out a hand instead of taking one.” Plus, she shares her tips on where to draw the line between work and family when you work with your spouse - at home, to boot. *We’re happy to share this episode has been sponsored by BabbleBoxx, the leader in influencer marketing services. BabbleBoxx creates a competition free, theme based sampling program, that places your products in the hands of social media influencers, who are guaranteed to post, Pin, Snap, Tweet and share your message. @wherebrainsmeetbeautypodcast basebeauty.com/podcast