Love & Light Live Crystal Healing Podcast

Healing Properties of Green Aventurine: A Crystal for Wealth & Good Luck



A Crystal Message about the Healing Properties of Green Aventurine: "I welcome wealth and abundance into my life by consciously creating space for thoughts of prosperity." Common Healing Properties of Green Aventurine: Promotes healing of the physical body Increases wealth and prosperity Protects gardens and homes from electromagnetic pollution Transmutes negative energy into positive energy Encourages compassionate behavior Stimulates will power and confidence Assists past life regressions and ascensions Balances the mind, body, and spirit Enhances creativity in artistic endeavors Promotes peace and calming Increases protection Aids in problems related to the nervous system Helps prevent heart-related conditions Heals the heart physically and emotionally Encourages spiritual growth and ascension Enhances inner-strength Relieves symptoms of allergies Removes energetic sources of headache and migraine pain Diminishes energetic blocks that may be causing acne and other ski