Love & Light Live Crystal Healing Podcast

Healing Properties of Angelite: A Crystal for Gratitude & Angelic Connection



A Crystal Message about the Healing Properties of Angelite: "I greet the day with a heart full of gratitude."   Common Healing Properties of Angelite: Promotes feelings of peace & goodwill toward all beings Enhances connection & communication with the Angelic Realm Stimulates telepathic abilities Facilitates grounding during meditation Helps you to voice your inner truth Increases your comprehension of astrology Promotes Thyroid balance Assists with weight control Promotes cooling of the body and the emotions Facilitates astral travel and shamanic journeying Increases your awareness of your ego consciousness Protects you from negative energies Promotes peace and tranquility Instills feelings of compassion (both toward and from others) Helps starseeds and other light beings to accept their lives on the earth plane Promotes spiritual inspiration Enhances the ability to channel Helps you to control your body weight Removes the stored energetic heat from sunburned skin C