Love & Light Live Crystal Healing Podcast

10 Best Crystals for Tarot & Oracle Card Readings



I love to use powerful crystals to enhance my other spiritual work - it makes SUCH a difference. The following stones are what I consider to be the 10 best crystals for Tarot & Oracle Card readings, each for their own unique reasons. Crystal oracle cards are one of the quickest and easiest ways to tap into your intuition and call forth just the message you need to get you headed in the right direction.  Whether you’re having trouble making a decision, need a little clarity about a situation, or want a little support and encouragement from your guides or angels, oracle cards are a great tool to help you create just the mindset shift you need. You can place these crystals in your sacred space or on your altar, keep them near you or hold them for their energy, or even create a grid or circle of stones around you during the reading. Crystals have powerful energy and can really enhance the intuitive process. The 10 best crystals for Tarot & Oracle Card readings: 1. Angelite  Angelite has the power to invite your