Love & Light Live Crystal Healing Podcast

Healing Properties of Septarian Nodule: A Crystal for Calming & Tranquility



A Crystal Message about the Healing Properties of Septarian Nodule: "I am grounded, safe, and balanced and I'm ready to create positive change in my life."   Common Healing Properties of Septarian Nodule: Promotes bravery and courage Balances and calms fiery attitudes (anger, frustration, etc.) Facilitates grounding Connects you with the energies of the fire element Helps you learn the value and importance self-control Stabilizes the emotional body Aid in transformation (physical, emotional, and spiritual) Helps you to become well-rounded Assists you in releasing the fear of water or drowning Enhances self-confidence Lets your inner light shine through to be seen by others Aids in disorders of the digestive system Increases joy and happiness Increases prosperity and abundance Stabilizes the emotional body Enhances “attitude of gratitude” Promotes communication with your inner-self Encourages a playful relationship with your inner child Balances the emotions Relieves in