Love & Light Live Crystal Healing Podcast

Crystals for Energy Clearing & Alignment: An Interview with Heather Askinosie of Energy Muse



Hi crystal lovers, this week I'm so excited to be here with the amazing Heather Askinosie of Energy Muse and co-author of Crystal Muse. So, thank you so much for being here with me.   Heather Askinosie: Thank you for having me. I love coming and talking about crystals. Ashley: Well, it's our pleasure to have you. And you know, a lot of people are getting more and more into crystals now. But it just seems like sometimes people feel a little overwhelmed by all the different things that they can do with them. And one thing that I love about your book, the Crystal Muse, is that you make working with crystals so accessible. Heather: Well, thank you. Ashley: Yes. I mean, you make it something that anyone can do. It's not intimidating, you give great instructions. It's like my go-to reference now, and a book I always recommend to our students. There are some things that you talk about in there that I think are so important for keeping your energy body aligned and keeping your energy field clear.  Could you tell