Love & Light Live Crystal Healing Podcast

Healing Properties of Brown Aragonite



A Crystal Message about the Healing Properties of Brown Aragonite: "You are a master multitasker and you clearly see the best way forward." Common Healing Properties of Brown Aragonite: Helps you to solve your problems by enhancing your multi-tasking abilities and encourages you to consider many different options at once Assists you in releasing the fear of water or drowning Aids in personal growth and transformation (physical, emotional, and spiritual) Helps you to become a more well-rounded person Colors: Peachy brown to earthy, red-brown Associated Chakras: 1st (Root), 2nd (Sacral) Zodiac Signs: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn Elements: Earth Companion Flowers: Pincushion Flower Companion Essential Oil: Cassia Companion Stone: Hematite Common Origins: Morocco, Spain Notes: Also known as Iron Bloom. Aragonite comes in a variety of formations and colors including, blue, white, and purple. Wanna’ Get Science-y? Click Here to get information about the chemica