Love & Light Live Crystal Healing Podcast

Healing Properties of Himalayan Salt: A Crystal for Cleansing & Purification



A Crystal Message about the Healing Properties of Himalayan Salt: "Release that which is not serving your physical body. Cleanse your energy field by removing energetic debris that is dulling your light." Common Healing Properties of Himalayan Salt: Removes psychic debris from your energy body Assists you in releasing that which no longer serves you Promotes general cleansing and purification Enhances feelings of peace and calming Increases feelings of happiness Encourages rest and relaxation Colors: pale peach to deep orange Associated Chakras: All Zodiac Signs: Aquarius, Cancer, Leo, Scorpio Elements: Earth, Fire Companion Flowers: Falling Stars Companion Essential Oil: Bay Laurel Companion Stone: Blue Hemimorphite Common Origins: Himalayan Mountain region of Pakistan Notes: A form of Halite (Rock Salt). The health benefits of Himalayan Salt are hotly debated, but no definitive scientific evidence has been found to support the claims that items like S