Love & Light Live Crystal Healing Podcast

Connecting with Nature & Lunar Energy: An Interview with Nicolette Sowder from Wilder Child



Hi everyone! This week I am so thrilled to be interviewing Nicolette Sowder from Wilder Child. If you don't know Nicolette, you really should get familiar with her and her community...   Nicolette leads an amazing community for those who are really passionate about raising a wilder child and getting back to nature with their children. So Nicolette, hi! And thank you so much for being here. Nicolette Sowder: Hi, thank you so much for having me on, I'm so excited. Ashley: So, Nicolette... Could you start by telling our listeners a little bit about yourself and your mission and how you got started with Wilder Child? Nicolette: Sure, so right now, I live with my husband and my two little girls and we're wild schooling on sixty acres in Michigan. We actually run a pastured farm, but we weren't always here. We were on a trip five and a half years ago... the time's gone so fast... but so much has been packed into such a small amount of time. So we moved from Northwest Indiana -- it was really like a satellit